We are all connected not only to each other but to all that carries energy so to animals, trees and so much more.
Since I was a child I have seen animals in the faces of people, I never really understood what I was seeing but I always found it fascinating. No-one around me seemed to see what I was seeing so I stopped mentioning it as often to avoid the weird looks I got.
Fast forward A LOT of years, I began to do readings on people and the animals reappeared in full force.
I began asking people for pictures of themselves to see which animal they were and presented the message that came through the animal.
Initially I wasn't really sure what it was i was doing.
People told me I'm seeing totem animals, so I checked out what a totem animal is and although it made sense it didn't really feel that it was what I was seeing.
After doing hundreds of animal readings I was shown that I am being given an understanding of who that person is at the moment by the animal I am seeing in them.
It will explain how someone is feeling, the type of thoughts they will be experiencing and also how they feel about themselves.
The messages are powerful and lead to much understanding of self.
I have an understanding of over 100 animals at the moment and am always excited to come across new animals.
I am sharing the messages that have come with the animals and may they bring you a loving message that helps, encourages and motivates you to keep pushing beyond yourself in all ways.
If you would like to have an animal reading and to know how the energy you are walking with and the animal that you represent at the moment is helping you to grow, book a reading.
