Since I was a child I have seen animals in people. I never really understood what I was seeing and people didn't really see what I was seeing which made me feel almost alien so I stopped sharing what I saw for many years.
8 years ago I began to do readings for people and was reminded of the gift to see animals, although I still didn't understand what it all meant. I started to ask questions and was informed by a few people that they believed I was seeing totem animals.
I had never heard of a totem animal so began to research what it meant to have a totem animal. What I discovered made sense but didn't feel like what it was that I was seeing.
After doing hundreds of animal readings I began to understand what I was seeing.
Energy has a way of talking and the animals I see in people are based on the dominant energy they are in at that time.
The animals explain to me who the person is, why they are the way they are and offers both insights into your insecurities and strengths.
Animals have a beautifully simplistic way of delivering a message which has a powerful message that comes with it.
I will be sharing the animals and messages I have received so far. May they offer you the insights, guidance and support you have been looking for.
If you don't resonate with any of the animals as they come please feel free to contact me for a private Energy Reading where we will discover your very own energy animal that is offering all you need at this moment.
If you would like an Energy Animal Reading you only need to click the link.
Today's Energy Animal is an Ant!

You’re all about teamwork, getting people together collectively working and supporting each other. Throw something away. NEVER not you. You have the ability to recycle everything making something out of nothing. You are highly resourceful and very innovative.You are versatile, able to fit in anywhere. You’re a very hard worker and co-operative. You’re highly intuitive using smell, sight, touch and sound. You’re very protective over your own space.You enjoy being in the warmer climates much more, feelings of tiredness and fatigue, loss of energy during the winter months. Great time to conceive in late spring early summer. You have strong maternal instincts. You’re great at navigating and following instructions. I can imagine you buying something DIY and sitting down to read every last bit of the manual.You stand up for yourself, people know when they have gone too far and it's time to back off. You are always well prepared for the worst case scenario.You use your senses wisely in knowing when you are needed or not. Either giving them the chance to try independently or being there to assist if need
be. You’re highly attuned to your body and know what it likes and doesn't like to feel good. You’re the perfect companion to get stranded with on a desert island.You’re as comfortable in water as you are out of it.You’re very sociable and friendly, always upbeat.You rely heavily on friends giving you your extra dose of happiness as much as they depend on you. You’re a natural healer, you allow people to form bridges of communication.
You can be a bit of a hoarder, time to de-clutter both mentally and physically. You are highly intuitive sometimes being overwhelmed by your senses. The more you tap into them the more you get use to them, stop pushing them aside. Keep grounded and cleansed. Try to soak up as much vitamin D as you can in the summer months so you have more energy in the winter months. Sometimes you need to let go and go with the flow, not everything has to be regimented and planned to the finest details. Your body is rebelling against you but you’re just not listening to it. Make time to listen and understand what it wants and needs.Stay balanced, don't let others drain your energy, recharge when needed.Ideal job- training within companies that need to enforce how important teamwork is.